CHARLES M. LAGOLA-logo (1).png

Charles M. Lagola is a production designer and art director, known for How to Get Away with Murder (2014), Sons of Anarchy (2008) and ER (1994). He most recently worked on The Good Doctor and GONE.


Most of our clients in the past had relatively relaxed schedules in terms of how fast their website needed to be finished. This was not the case with this project. Mr. Lagola wanted his new website live A.S.A.P. so that producers and studios could see it during hiring season. This gave us only a couple weeks to get from a concept to a finished product. This was a new and exciting challenge for us that we fully confident in accomplishing.

The main page of the client's website.


The project page for "The Good Doctor".

The website had to fulfill four majors areas:

  1. Project pages had to be as detailed as possible while also keeping scrolling to a minimum.
  2. Home page should have dynamic project "tiles" that give visual feedback when moused over.
  3. Resume page should contain both a web version and a downloadable .pdf
  4. overall design of the website should meet or exceed Mr. Lagola's expectations. 


  • Scrolling through project pages was successfully designed to show off the key parts of the project without needlessly scrolling/wasting time.
  • As per the clients request we created an abstract background to make the website more unique.
  • The "tiles" were successfully coded as per the clients request.
  • Each banner on each page was meticulously picked out to show off the client's work.

You can view the website yourself by clicking the button below which will open up it in a new tab in your web browser.