
PROTECH Products is a online store located in North Hollywood, CA. Mechanics from all over the country buy their products to aid them in fixing and maintaining vehicles.


Our contact at PROTECH Products had unfortunately paid a web developer who was not only hard to contact but was also taking their time “finishing” the project. This is unfortunately a common practice employed by web developers across the sector. After hearing about us our client contacted us to see if we could help them out. Ideally they wanted it done in a quick time frame as they had already been waiting a while for their website. We went over all the terms with the client and the project was underway!

The main page of the client's website.


Main store page. Drop down menu allows fast browsing.

The website had to fulfill four majors areas:

  1. Simple, clean and modern eCommerce website

  2. Time to purchase is quick

  3. Dynamic website allow mobile phones to purchase their wares

  4. Cost ideally low and turn around time fast


  • Browsing the website is done quickly and product are categorized in a manner allowing customers looking for a specific product to be able to find it quickly.

  • Design of the website is simple, clean and modern while also allowing purchases to be easily made on mobile phones.

  • Project was completed within the agreed upon time frame and overall cost of the project was kept low.

You can view the website yourself by clicking the button below which will open up it in a new tab in your web browser.